Love Predictions
Love is such a beautiful relationship that everybody wants. So this report is all about those who are looking for a love and want to know about their success in Love and relationship.
Benefits of Report:
- Get a complete overview of your Love and Relationship life
- Know the answer of your relationship and love queries
- Identify problem areas in your love and Relationship life and find out
about the ways to overcome them
What all my Career Astrology Report will contain...
- Detailed analysis of your love and Relationship horoscope.
- Recommendation of remedies for the betterment and upliftment of your life in general.
How it works?

Frequently Asked Question
Are these reports accurate?
You can be guaranteed we are focused on furnishing you with precise data in regards to your horoscope reading for forecasts. Since early 1990’s Dr. Anita Nigam have read thousands of horoscopes and have satisfied clients all over the world. Your astrological reports will have highest level of accuracy but still an astrologer can predict to a certain level, no astrologer can give 100% accurate predictions. That degree is held by god itself.
How my predictions will be done?
On the basis of the birth details you have provided, Dr. Nigam will do the required level of astrological calculations, make your horoscope, read all the necessary charts and then start predicting about you the astrological report you asked for. All the predictions are done by Dr. Anita Nigam only.
In which Language I will get the predictions?
You will get your prediction typed in English language and will be sent to you via email in .pdf format. Is my personal information safe and confidential? Absolutely, all your birth details and questions you have asked for will be strictly confidential and will be safe. Do not worry about that.
Are my payments details secure?
Yes, your payment details are 100% secure. We use highly secure SSL enabled payment gateway with 256 bit encryption to safeguard your payment information.
In how much time I will get my report?
To make a correct predictions astrologer need a good amount for concentration and time to deep dive in one’s horoscope and accurately make out the forecasts.
Your horoscope report will be emailed to you within 3-5 working days. In case of life predictions where Dr. Nigam have to predicted for more than 5 years in that case reports will be delivered to you in 10 working days.
Can I clear my doubts after receiving predictions from Dr. Anita Nigam?
Yes. You can email your doubts after receiving the predictions done by Dr. Nigam. Only one time reply will be there per report.
Can I consult Dr. Anita Nigam over telephone?
Yes. You can for that you have to fix an appointment with her.