T10 League 2021
Northern Warriors vs Deccan Gladiators
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 18th Match, Super League between Northern Warriors vs Deccan Gladiators, which will be played on 02-02-2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.2/2/2021 View Details
Delhi Bulls vs Pune Devils
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 17th Match, Super League between Delhi Bulls vs Pune Devils, which will be played on 02-02-2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Qalandars vs Maratha Arabians
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 16th Match, Super League between Qalandars vs Maratha Arabians, which will be played on 02-02-2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Delhi Bulls vs Deccan Gladiators
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 15th Match, Super League between Delhi Bulls vs Deccan Gladiators, which will be played on 01-02-2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Team Abu Dhabi vs Northern Warriors
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 14th Match, Super League between Team Abu Dhabi vs Northern Warriors, which will be played on 01-02-2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Pune Devils vs Bangla Tigers
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 13th Match, Super League between Pune Devils vs Bangla Tigers, which will be played on 01-02-2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Deccan Gladiators vs Team Abu Dhabi
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 6th Match, Group B between Deccan Gladiators vs Team Abu Dhabi, which will be played on 29th January, 2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Maratha Arabians vs Delhi Bulls
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 5th Match, Group A between Maratha Arabians vs Delhi Bulls, which will be played on 29th January, 2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Pune Devils vs Qalandars
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 4th Match, Group B between Pune Devils vs Qalandars, which will be played on 29th January, 2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.
Delhi Bulls vs Bangla Tigers
Astrological predictions of T10 League, 2021, 3rd Match, Group A between Delhi Bulls vs Bangla Tigers, which will be played on 28th January, 2021 at Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi.